Tuesday, November 26, 2019

War on Drugs Essays

War on Drugs Essays War on Drugs Essays In watching the John Stossel documentary on The War on Drugs (Sidewinder77, 2009), it is evident that the 40 year war has created more crime than the intended purpose of reducing the drug problem in America. Is the point of the drug prohibition to reduce drug possession which would reduce the drug problem? Instead it has opened up different doorways to other crimes as a byproduct of prohibition. The Department of Justice says that the illegal drug market in the U.S. is dominated by 900,000 criminally active gang members affiliated with 20,000 street gangs in more than 2,500 cities, (1) and that Mexican drug cartels now directly control illegal drug markets in at least 230 American cities.(2) Using the Alcohol Prohibition as an example, the crime rate had increased during those years of prohibition. I do think if America was to decriminalize current illegal drugs, the cartels would be reduced because there would no longer be a demand of the black market. In 2004, 17% of inmates fro m jail admitted that they committed their crime to get money for drugs. (2) I do believe that users and sellers are two different animals, and users need treatment which is a Health problem and should not be handled criminally, but with Human Services. I working as a deputy in a jail, I interact with addicts daily, and don’t believe that jail is the solution for non-violent users. Based off of the Beauru of Justice Statistics Drugs and Crime in 2007 1.8 million people were arrested on drug violations. If that 1.8 million, only 17.5% were based on distribution/sale of drugs and 82.5% were on possession alone. 42% of the possession was for marijuana (3 and 4). If we were to decriminalize the use and or possession of drugs, the US could save billions of dollars on inmate housing for mere non-violent drug possession and could be used for rehabilitation and education. These statistic do not include DUI/DWAI which is criminally, and therefore any under-the-influence while driving should be handled criminally. I am curious to see what Colorado will have for data in arrest statistics from passing amendment 62 in

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Do not be alarmed - Emphasis

Do not be alarmed Do not be alarmed Imagine youve got to write a set of instructions for a total stranger; no, millions of total strangers. Its a huge audience, made up of people from all walks of life. So its going to be impossible to cater for individual needs. Youll have to write it so that practically anyone can understand the language. Not only that, but theyre likely to be somewhat distracted panic-stricken, in fact. Because the instructions are on what to do in the event of a nuclear attack. That was the challenge facing the Government and the BBC in the 1970s, at the height of the Cold War. And the results of their efforts are a study in how to write clearly. The National Archive released them today, and you can read them here. Note the short paragraphs and varying sentence length. Longer sentences vary the pace, while shorter ones (Water means life. Dont waste it) add real impact. Note especially that the script addresses the reader (or listener, in this case) directly, including using the word you frequently. The writer also guides the listener very carefully by taking them through a logical thought process: Do not, in any circumstances, go outside the house. Radioactive fall-out can kill. You cannot see it or feel it, but it is there. If you go outside, you will bring danger to your family and you may die. If youre struggling to write a report or a tricky email, it could be a lot worse.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

English Composition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English Composition - Essay Example ot only mean surfing online research sites or going to the libraries to dig up on records, books, and journals about the chosen topic; it also means talking or doing interviews with the experts on the field that covers the topic to be written about. Persuasive essay is also known as the argument essay because the writer states an argument about the chosen topic of a literary piece. The argument must always use sound reasoning and solid evidence by stating facts, giving logical reasons, using examples, and quoting experts (Essay Info, 2007). Topics for this type of essay may vary from a simple question whether a school uniform is still apt to wear these days to a more volatile subject of abortion or death penalty. Persuasive essays are usually written in a way that it can be delivered as speeches. Writing a persuasive essay requires an open-minded writer. For example, the topic is about the fear of the elderly about the new technology such as computers. The writer may make a stand that there is no reason to fear the technical innovations. Apart from preparing for the facts that will support the argument of the essay, the writer should also get ready for objections that the opposition will most likely present. In thinking about the opposition, here are a few questions that the writer should ask: What will they say against my idea? How can I defend my idea against their arguments? Are there any of my points that they can easily attack? Can I see any weak links in the oppositions thinking? (Geocities, 2007). In the topic on the elderly people’s fear of new technology, the opposition will be the elderly themselves and some old-fashioned persons. Every possible points of the opposition should be included in the essay, and the writer must be able to answer and overcome the objections. However, this style may not be applicable to other topics. Hence, experts suggest four steps in planning for a persuasive essay: the writer needs to choose the position or stand on a

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Analysis of Aiding Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of Aiding Violence - Essay Example Any foreign investor with an African dream must look at the tragic events at Rwanda, before planning to set his foot on the African soil. People can build a country and people can break it--how the latter course takes shape-- Rwanda is the latest example. When negative forces rule the roost in a country, a host of issues crop up, some are excavated from the history, some react to the current conditions. Rwanda stood engulfed in inequality, exclusion, and humiliation and those enterprises which established themselves in Rwanda, with the hope of doing something constructive for the people, were bewildered and utterly failed, overwhelmed by the ruthless violence. They were frustrated and defeated and all developmental and welfare activities came to a dead end. Killing each other flourished as the predominant industry! What were the factors that lead to the inner-humiliation of Rwanda, and the unprecedented genocide, which the world watched as if it had no concern? Developmental activities, even in a peaceful and well-governed country, create heartburning and severe tensions. The impact of materialistic civilization make the people believe that they are in a competitive race and they must win, even if that means trampling the interests of others. Any developmental project must be preceded by a program to educate the people, through the print and electronic media and ground realities explained to them as for the intended purpose of the project and its benefits as a whole to the Nation. This was not done in Rwanda. The inexperienced rulers played in to the hands of the developmental agencies, and conflicts began to take shape. The conflicts ignored over a period, lead to the mass conflagration. In this 1994 genocide, 1,000,000 lost their lives. It was not one country attacking the other country. It was a civil-war, even though indirect support to various factions fighting could not be ruled out. But the basic question is, why this happened in the 20th

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Dolphins Essay Example for Free

Dolphins Essay Bottlenose dolphins can grow to be thirteen feet long and weigh up to 600 pounds (Bottlenose Dolphins). This makes bottlenose dolphins the largest of the beaked dolphins (Dolphin Research Center). Bottlenose dolphins have slick and rubbery skin with no sweat glands or hair. Their epidermis is ten to twenty times thicker than that of other mammals. It can be replaced every two hours, which is nine times faster than human skin. The peeling of their skin helps to reduce drag when they swim. The skin is dark gray on their backs, and fades to white or pink on their bellies. This coloring is called countershading. From above the dolphins blend in with the dark water below, and from underneath they blend in with the sunlight. Countershading helps dolphins hide from predators and prey (Bottlenose Dolphins). Bottlenose dolphins are piscivors, or fish-eaters. They have eighty-eight to one hundred small, sharp teeth for grasping slippery squid and fish (Parker and Burton) (Dolphin Research Center). When catching fish, dolphins usually herd a school of fish together and then dash through the school one at a time to feed. It has been observed where 200 bottlenose dolphins were in a single row, working together to find food. Dolphins can also use their tail flukes to toss a fish out of the water and then retrieve the shocked prey (Bottlenose Dolphins). If a dolphin catches a large fish, it will smack the fish on the ocean floor or the water’s surface to break it into smaller portions (McClintock). After a dolphin catches its prey, it uses its tongue to swallow the fish and push the water out of its mouth (Dolphin Research Center). Dolphins can eat up to thirty pounds of fish in one day, so it is helpful that they have three stomach compartments, similar to that of a cow (McClintock) (Lockley 69). Bottlenose dolphins find fish by using echolocation. This is when a dolphin sends out a beam of short sonar pulses from its melon, or forehead. The beam reflects off of fish or other objects and echoes back to the lower jaw. The echoes are then sent to the ear bones where they are characterized. Using echolocation, dolphins are able to locate prey that is buried up to one and a half feet under the sand (Cahill 140-141). Bottlenose dolphins are excellent swimmers. They can jump up to sixteen feet in the air. Three to seven miles per hour is their normal swimming speed, but they can reach speeds of eighteen to twenty-two miles per hour. Dolphins also porpoise, which is when a dolphin swims fast enough to repetitively come out of the water and back under the water in one swift movement. This uses less effort than swimming fast at the ocean’s surface. When dolphins swim in deep open water, they often dive. They dive to 150 feet regularly, but they have been recorded diving up to 2,000 feet (Bottlenose Dolphins). When a dolphin needs to breathe, it comes to the surface, exhales, and then inhales. If a dolphin stays underwater for a very long time, it can exhale at over 100 miles per hour (Cahill 77). It only takes about 0. 3 seconds for dolphins to breathe (Bottlenose Dolphins). Dolphins exchange 80% of their lung air with each breath; when humans breathe, they exchange only 17% (Bottlenose Dolphins). They come to the surface to breathe every twenty-eight seconds when they are not diving, but they can hold their breath for up to twelve minutes (McClintock) (Bottlenose Dolphins). Before a dolphin can hold its breath for a long time, it has to slow its heart rate down to twelve beats per minute. A slow heart rate helps to conserve energy and oxygen while diving (Dolphin Research Center). In order for dolphins to be able to swim, they have to have fins. Bottlenose dolphins have three different types of fins on their bodies. The most recognizable is the dorsal fin. It is located in the center of the back and is the cause of dolphins sometimes being confused with sharks. The dorsal fin is helpful for balance but is not essential. Dolphins also have flippers on both sides of their bodies called pectoral fins that are used to steer. The bones in pectoral fins look similar to human hands because they have five digits. The two parts of a dolphin’s tail are called flukes. Tail flukes are made up of tough connective tissue with no bones or muscle. The tail’s spread is 20% of the total body length. The dolphin’s back muscles move the flukes up and down to push the dolphin through the water. All of the fins and flippers use the process of countercurrent heat exchange to conserve body heat. This means that the arteries in the fins are surrounded by smaller veins so that some of the heat from the blood is transferred to the blood in the veins instead of being released to the environment (Bottlenose Dolphins). Dolphins need to conserve heat to stay warm in cooler waters. The lifespan of a bottlenose dolphin is twenty to thirty years. They can reproduce every three years for their entire lives starting at the age of six (Bottlenose Dolphins) (Cahill 98). The gestation period lasts twelve months. Baby dolphins, called calves, are usually born tail-first to prevent drowning, and the umbilical cord between the mother dolphin and calf snaps during birth (Cahill 98) (McClintock). â€Å"85% of all firstborn calves die† (McClintock). Newborn calves typically weigh twenty-two to forty-four pounds and are thirty-nine to fifty-three inches long (Bottlenose Dolphins). Since dolphins are mammals, calves drink milk produced in the mother’s body (World Book 296). Mother dolphins have to swim constantly with their calves in their â€Å"slipstream† because newborns do not have enough blubber to easily float (Hecker). At about four months old, young start to eat fish and are entirely weaned from milk between the ages of one year and eighteen months (Lockley 169). Each dolphin develops a signature whistle at one month old. In order for calves to recognize their mothers by their whistle, mothers whistle to their calves almost constantly for several days after birth (Bottlenose Dolphins). A dolphin will stay with its mother for at least six years and some dolphins stay with their mothers for their entire lives (Bottlenose Dolphins). Bottlenose dolphins are very social animals. They travel in pods, which are groups of two to fifteen dolphins (Bottlenose Dolphins). Dolphins are very protective of each other, and they have killed sharks that were too close to their pod by repeatedly hitting them in the gills (Lockley 172). They will also try to save an injured or dead dolphin by keeping it at the surface for hours or even days (Lockley 19). Bottlenose dolphins are usually very friendly towards humans. Some wild dolphins even go into bays and interact with them (Dolphin Research Center). Dolphins also love to have fun. In captivity, they enjoy teasing each other and humans that are around their tanks (Lockley 48). In the wild, dolphins like to ride ocean waves or a boat’s stern or bow wake (Bottlenose Dolphins). They sometimes toss jellyfish and seaweed to one another and use plastic, seaweed, or other objects as â€Å"dolphin jewelry† on their fins, beaks, and necks (Cahill 93). Bottlenose dolphins truly are intriguing and individual animals. It’s hard to believe that some people actually hunt them. Beloved and admired by many, they should be protected in both captivity and the wild. Bottlenose dolphins have been entertaining people in for over eighty years, and hopefully they will continue to do so for many years to come.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Flight in Song of Solomon, Native Son, A Worn Path, Sad Sweet Story of

Flight in Song of Solomon, Native Son, A Worn Path, Sad Sweet Story of Sugar Lips Shinehot, and Portable Promised, and Land First Eagle Story Since the beginning of time all human beings have had a fascination with human flight. Watching a bird soar through the air, one cannot help but desire the same capabilities. Imagine the point of view of the bird that flies high above the trees, among the mountains, over the ocean, and high in the air, far away from the clamor of everyday life on the ground. To have the freedom and power to release ones self from the tribulations experienced with two feet on the ground, and spring up and away into the peaceful, blue sky is a common human desire. Since ancient times, flight has represented the opportunity to free ones self from the chains of oppression. For example, in the Bible, Moses delivered the enslaved Israelites from Egypt and the Lord instructed Moses to tell them, "You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you to Myself" (Exodus 19:4). Not only does flight represent freedom from oppression, but it has also served as a source of strength: "But those who wait on the Lord/ Shall renew their strength; / They shall mount up with/ wings like eagles" (Isaiah 40:31). Throughout history, Americans have grown up admiring and desiring the many mythical figures with the ability to fly without even having wings. Superman, with super human powers, had the ability to circumvent the globe and save innocent people from harm with his ability to fly. Santa and his reindeer could not possibly distribute toys to children all over the world without the ability to fly. Peter Pan, the eternal child, lived his life consumed in the childish pursuits an... ...51-682. Ed. Penn, W.S. The Telling of the World: Native Americans Stories and Art. New York: Stewart, Tabori, & Chang, 1996. Runnels, T.J. "Rise Above with Eagle." The Red Pathway: Newsletter of Native American Philosophy. http://www.lvcablemodem.com/mahinto/eagle1.html. (15 Oct 2001). Smoke Signals. Dir. Chris Eyre. Miramax Films, 1990. Ed. Stewart, Holly, and Cheryl Wilson. "Stories of the People: Native American Voices." National Museum of the American Indian-Smithsonian Institution. New York: Universe Publishing, 1997. Toure. "The Sad Sweet Story Of Sugar Lips Shinehot And The Portable Promised Land." Callalou. 21.2 (1998) 327-335. Welty, Eudora. "A Worn Path." The Norton Anthology of Literature By Women. Eds. Sandra M. Gilbert, Susan Gubar. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1996: 1641-1646. Wright, Richard. Native Son. New York: Harper Perennial, 1940.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

“Is College Worth the Money?” by Daniel S. Cheever, Jr. Essay

In this day and age, the cost of a college education is more than most middle-class families’ yearly salary. In today’s job market, a lack of having a college education makes it difficult to land an entry level position. The discussion of college cost comes and goes but is a major question in the minds of parents and potential college applicants around the nation. In Daniel S. Cheever, Jr’s article, â€Å"Is College Worth the Money†, Cheever urges people to look at other factors when judging the value of a college education rather than its cost. To begin with, Cheever brings home the point that college tuition is rising at an exponential rate. Over the last 20 years, undergrad tuition at Havard has risen over twenty thousand dollars, outpacing the consumer price index. Cheever makes a valid point, by only focusing on one institution, is this indicative of all colleges across the board? By attending Harvard University, one could argue that one is paying for the prestige of the school rather than the quality of the education. Cheever also points out; parents are willing to take out $100,000 to pay for a highly educated graduate that, by the end of a working, career will make one million dollars more than someone who didn’t get a higher education. Taking cost out of the equation, what does that investment yield for the student? The final statement that Cheever makes, â€Å"Parents and students will demand a proven and verifiable outcome that measures the outcome on their investment† is a bleak conclusion. It is no t indicative of the students that go for a good time and not the quality of their education. Cheever makes bold claims throughout his essay that he seems to fail to back up. Though Cheever lacks depth in his essay, he makes many agreeable statements as to what we should consider in valuing a college education.We should look deeper into what a college brings to the table, more than just the prestige it has acquired. Having a after-grad services would definitely play a factor in how we judge a schools value. During the schooling years though, being able to become an economically productive and community minded citizen will aide anyone who attends, even if they decide to leave town, or even the state, after graduation. Cheever brings great ideas to the table, even if  just briefly touching each subject, he still makes the question, â€Å"Is College worth the money?† a tough one to answer. With all these great tips, asking is college worth the money is still a difficult decision. Ultimately, it falls to the students and parents seeking higher education to make the decision. Everyone is different, different upbringings, different theologies and requirements about what a school should do for them. If answering a generic question, â€Å"Is College worth the money?† is as easy as Cheever makes it out to be, why hasn’t the discussion stopped? There may never be a direct answer, but it has some basic guidelines based on Cheever’s essay. If you need any more information though, you’re better off calling each school you’re interested in and asking the same questions and seeing which school is the best for you. Reference Cheever Jr., Cheever S. â€Å"Is College Worth the Money?.† The Blair Reader. Ed. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. Boston: Pearson, Prentice-Hall, 2014. 113-115. Print.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Women and Diversity in the Workforce

There is a growing and continuous interest in workplace diversity within management and organization studies. This interest can be traced back to Johnston and Packard†s (1987) influential report, Workforce 2000, which alerted organizations to the dramatic demographic changes that were in the process of transforming the North American workforce. (Prasad, 1997). Managing diversity at the workplace presents many dilemmas. Confronted with constant change, management, business educators, and organizational consultants continue to meet the challenges of a new and diverse workforce in a number of ways. There are numerous ways in which to define diversity. Diversity includes all the ways in which people differ, and it encompasses all the different characteristics that make one individual or group different from another. It is all inclusive and recognizes everyone and every group as part of the diversity that should be valued. (Wentling, 1997). A broad definition includes not only race, gender, ethnicity , age, national origin, religion and disability, but may include sexual orientation, values, personality, education, language, physical appearance, marital status, lifestyle, beliefs and background characteristics such as geographic origin, tenure with the organization and economic status. There is a significant increase in women and minority populations in the workplace; Americans continue to mature; an increasing number of minority youths are becoming part of the workforce; gay men, lesbians, and bisexual individuals are becoming an important part of the workforce and marketplace; people with disabilities are also increasingly entering the labor force; and more business is becoming global. (Wentling, 1997). Nearly half of all workers will be women, and more than a quarter will likely be members of minority races. About 40% of the work force will be over 45 years of age and only about 15% of new entrants will be the young white males (Labich, 1996). And yet another statistic, the Hispanic population is quickly becoming the largest minority group in the United States and the fastest growing ethnic faction in the civilian labor force (Forst, 1997). With these changes marching forward ever so rapidly, it is no wonder that management must battle to stay on top of diversity issues. Having a diverse workforce and managing it properly is perceived as a competitive strategy that can not only help attract diverse customers but also employees who have different perspectives that can contribute to the creativity of the organization (Wentling, 1997). Researchers have found that an important reason for implementing diversity initiatives in organizations is to improve corporate productivity and profitability (Wentling, 1997). A diverse workforce catalyzes more organizational creativity and productivity because workers are drawn from a larger more democratic, gene pool (Prasad, 1997). When trying to diversify an organization, you can be assured that there will be resistance. Management must be able to implement change as necessary. No one series of workshops will be ideal for every organization, but the most effective training methods seem to revolve around the daily problems workers face. (Labich, 1996). â€Å"We are color and gender blind† is often heard throughout organizations in America. One of the biggest challenges may be to retrain managers to recognize and value differences rather than disregard and dismiss them (Mor Barak, 1998). You simply have to adapt your workplace to the labor force; ignore it, and you could be sacrificing quality and productivity (Labich, 1996). The point for management is understanding where the work force is at before you try to move it where you want. (Labich, 1996). Embracing diversity raises fundamental questions about how individuals in organizations define themselves, how they feel good about themselves, and how they experience and relate to others. If organizations are to embrace diversity, then they must find creative approaches to helping people become fully aware of the impact that social identity has on sense making and behavior (Prasad, 1997). BankAmerica is an example of a corporation that gives people a higher level of comfort to pursue their careers, to find out about opportunities. BankAmerica also focuses on mentoring programs and promotion practices (Brown, 1998). Yet another example of successful diversification is Liz Clairborne†s $2.4 billion-a-year fashion company which employs nearly 41% minorities. This is well about the average of 25.6% (Vinzant, 1998). Both companies have an awareness of the importance of diversification and thus make it a long-term goal.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The IB Primary Years Program

The IB Primary Years Program In 1997, just one year after the International Baccalaureate Organization introduced their Middle Years Program (MYP), another curriculum was launched, this time targeting students ages 3-12. Known as the Primary Years Program, or PYP,  this curriculum designed  for younger students echoes the values and learning objectives of its two predecessors, including the MYP and the Diploma Programme, the latter of which has been in existence since 1968. A globally recognized program, the PYP is today offered in nearly 1,500 schools worldwide - including both public schools and private schools -  in more than 109 different countries, according to the IBO.org website. The IB is consistent in its policies for all levels students, and all schools wishing to offer the IB curriculums, including the Primary Years Programme, must apply for approval. Only schools that meet strict criteria are granted the label as IB World Schools.   The goal of the PYP is to encourage students to inquire about the world around them, preparing them to be global citizens. Even at a young age, students are asked to think about not what is happening just inside their classroom, but within the world beyond the classroom. This is done through embracing what is known as the IB Learner Profile, which applies to all levels of IB study. Per the IBO.org site, the Learner Profile is designed to develop learners who are inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective. According to the IBO.org website, the PYP provides schools with a curriculum framework of essential elements - the knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes, and action that young students need to equip them for successful lives, both now and in the future. There are several  components that are used to create a challenging, engaging, relevant and international curriculum for students. The PYP is challenging in that it asks students to think differently than many other programs do. While a number of traditional primary school courses of study focus on memorization and learning tactical skills, the PYP goes beyond those methods and asks students to engage in critical thinking, problem solving, and to be independent in the learning process. Self directed study is a crucial part of the PYP. The real world applications of  learning materials allows students to connect the knowledge they are presented with in the classroom to their lives around them, and beyond. By doing so, students often become more excited about their studies when they can understand the practical applications of what they are doing and how it pertains to their daily lives. This hands-on approach to teaching is becoming more common in all aspects of education, but the IB PYP specifically incorporates the style in its pedagogy. The global nature of the program means that students arent just focusing on their classroom and local community. They are also learning about global issues and who they are as individuals within this greater context. Students also are asked to consider where they are in place and time, and to consider how the world works. Some supporters of the IB programs liken this form of study to philosophy or theory, but many simply say that we are asking students to consider, how do we know what we know. Its a complex thought, but directly targets the approach of teaching students to inquire about knowledge and the world in which they live.   The PYP uses six  themes that are part of every course of study and are the focus of the classroom and learning process. These transdisciplinary themes are: Who we areWhere we are in time in placeHow we express ourselvesHow the world worksHow we organize ourselvesSharing the planet By connecting courses of study for students, teachers must work together to develop investigations into important ideas that require students to delve deeply into subject matter and question the knowledge they have. The holistic approach of PYP, according to IBO, combines socio-emotional, physical and cognitive development by providing a vibrant and dynamic classroom setting that embraces play, discovery and exploration. The IB also pays close attention to the needs of its youngest participants, as those children ages 3-5, need a thoughtful curriculum designed for their development progress and ability to learn.    The play-based learning is deemed by many as a crucial component for success for younger students, allowing them to still be children and age-appropriate but challenge their ways of thinking and ability to comprehend complex thoughts and issues at hand.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Finish Writing a Book 8 Actionable Steps to Finish Your First Draft

How to Finish Writing a Book 8 Actionable Steps to Finish Your First Draft How to Finish Writing a Book: 8 Actionable Steps to Finish Your First Draft Do you struggle with actually finishing a full draft of your manuscript? Do you actually know how to finish writing a book?Trust me, it can be a lot harder than you think and Ill explain why belowIf youre someone who hops projects when you get bored or stuck, we have the solution to your common problem- and it might be different than you think. Here are our top tips to help you finish writing a book:Outline your bookSchedule writing timeBudget save for publicationBe realistic with your goalsGet accountability partnersMake finishing your book a part of your lifePower through to finish your bookAvoid burnoutWhy Many Aspiring Authors Dont Finish Writing a BookI think weve all been there beforeWe have fantastic story ideas or even writing prompts, are so motivated to sit down and write a book, but we end up hitting the midway point andstopping.So many writers out there fall short when actually finishing their books.Sure, you might be able to write a poem and finish that, or even complet e writing a short story or twobut manuscripts are different.But why?Theyre longer and take a lot more time and discipline to finish.Most writers are going through the process of writing and publishing a book blind. And without the right process (or help) in place, its easy to fall off the rails and end up with only half a manuscript shoved in a desk drawer somewhere collecting dust.Most writers fail to finish writing a book because they dont have a process to keep them accountable in order to finish.But thats where we come in.NOTE: If youre ready to actually FINISH your book, tune in to our FREE training to get it done. Dont let that amazing idea sit dormant for years and years, only to feel regret 5 years down the line. Get it done by starting TODAY.How many authors do you know who sit around and say, I wish I would have waited to start? Learn more about it hereHow to Finish Writing a BookObviously youre ready to commit- to take the leap and actually finish your book. Maybe youve s truggled for a few months or maybe youve been trying to finish your book for years. Either way, weve got the best tips to actually complete your manuscript.#1 OutlineThe best way to finish a project (and finish it quickly!) is to have a plan. A book’s plan is your outline. Now, not everyone is on board with book outlines. There are â€Å"plotters,† there are â€Å"pantsers,† and there are the in-betweeners (which we affectionately call â€Å"plotsers†).However, even writers who finish books regularly and claim they are vehemently against outlines are usually outlining.Whats the difference between pantsers and plotters?â€Å"Pantsers† tend to call their first draft something like a discovery draft, or draft zero, or, as Nora Roberts calls it, the piece of shit draft.Even though they say they don’t outline, this first draft is a type of outline. Even though Stephen King says, â€Å"Outlines are the last resource of bad fiction writers,† we know what he really means is, â€Å"My first draft is actually a type of outline, and that’s the method I’ve found that works for me, personally.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Prose is architecture. It’s not interior design.† Ernest HemingwaySome people love every single detail planned before they begin writing, while others think outlines make their stories too formulaic. The good news is, there’s a type of outline for everyone! If there isn’t one already penned in existence, you can make. one. up. 😠®There are so many different kinds of outlines:Extremely detailed outlines with a sentence for every action in each sceneBasic bullet points of the ideas you want to cover, or â€Å"first draft† outlines where you plan your book by writing a version of itDraft zero, a pansted first draft, is one you can finish in roughly the same amount of time it takes you to plan and outline your bookYou don’t have to follow certain outline rules or g uidelinesyour outline is a tool for you and the way you work. So find a system that works best and utilize it!Pro Outlining Tip: If you’re more of a â€Å"pantser,† use what I call a â€Å"liquid outline.† Let it be flexible as your project progresses. For example, start with a bullet point outline of what you expect to happen, then as you write each chapter, go back and revise your outline when things change. This will keep you on track and organized, but it will also allow you the freedom and on-the-spot creativity of â€Å"pantsing† your book.#2 Schedule your writing timeA great way to stay productive is to set a writing schedule in order to develop a writing habit.Here are a few questions to ask yourself in order to finish writing your book:Which days and times will you write?How long will you write in each session?Will you hit a time limit each day, or do you want to reach a certain word count?Further than scheduling your writing, you can schedule t he entire publication process to keep your book on track through production and into marketing! Having a timeline for drafting, editing, beta rounds, cover, and interior design, book release, marketing, etc., will help you work more efficiently and coordinate the steps that require other people.For example, many cover designers require you to book months, or even years, in advance! Scheduling and planning will help you stay ahead of possible roadblocks.#3 Budget and saveSelf-publishing might be more expensive than you think it will be! If you haven’t done it yet, take some time to research possible costs of publishing a book.For example, do you want a cover designer? A professional editor? Special marketing? Determine out how much it will cost and how long you have to save, then set up a savings plan to be sure you can cover these costs.Heres a breakdown of potential costs you have to consider when writing your book:If you have no idea how to set up a savings plan, Jenna Mor eci has a great video on budgeting and savings basics!If you don’t take the time to budget for book production and save ahead of time, you may happen upon a charge you weren’t expecting and aren’t prepared to pay. Then your options are to halt production to save for it, go without, or take a loan.Saving ahead of time is much better than all three of those options, so do your research!If you want more information on the publishing expenses you can expect, check out the video below- and the biggest cost might be the most surprising. #4 Be realisticIn scheduling, budgeting, and saving, be realistic about your goals and timelines.If you convince yourself you have four hours of writing time each day to finish a draft in a month, but you have a full-time job and three kids? That’s probably not a realistic goal. Maybe you can only write for twenty minutes a day. Maybe you can only write on weekends. Maybe writing a few paragraphs during lunch breaks is your onl y option for now.Be honest, be logical, and set goals you have a chance of achieving. While you can always find ways to write faster in order to make the most of that writing time, you still have to set reasonable goals.Nothing is more demoralizing than never reaching your goals.#5 Consider finding a team to hold yourself accountableI have a critique group with two other writers who are also writing fantasy novels. Every Sunday, we exchange the chapter we wrote that week, as well as the other two writer’s chapters from the previous week with our critique comments.When utilizing a critique partner or group, I recommend the following:Find people with similar WIPsSet up a schedule for swapping chapters, stories, poems, scripts, etc.Keep open lines of communication!Having other people expect your routine updates, as well as having other people to discuss issues and setbacks, will help to keep you on track with a writing schedule.At Self-Publishing School, theres actually a Maste rmind Community each student gets to be a part of where accountability partners run rampant. All these writers are looking for others to help them finish writing their books.#6 Make your WIP a part of your lifeLet your book take up a lot of real estate in your mind, your home, and your daily life.As you grow your writing platform and market your book, talk about your work in progress. Tell your friends and family about it.The more people who know youre writing a book, the more theyll ask you about it.This hold you accountable to actually finish writing your book.You can even make a Youtube channel, like mine, in order to have more people familiar with you writing a book. (This is also a great strategy to market yourself as a writer)If you make a physical outline or a moodboard, hang it by your desk where you can see it. Set your main character’s profile sketch as your phone background.Make it where you can’t skip a writing day without thinking about it.This will keep your mind working toward solutions for your project every day.#7 Power through!Don’t let yourself get hung up on edits before your draft is finished. Don’t overthink itjust focus on getting through your first draft.Of course it won’t be perfect!But, like Nora Roberts said, â€Å"you can fix anything but a blank page.†You can’t edit nothing! Don’t slow down, keep your momentum, and pound out that first draft!The hardest part of writing a book is finishing the first draft. After that, its all downhill so just get it done!#8 Avoid burnoutWriting burnout is when you feel like your work is trash. You think you have nothing important to say. Maybe you think no one cares about what you’re writing or maybe youve fallen into a pit of writers block. Don’t fall into this hole!Your first instinct when confronted with writing burnout is usually to stop writing. Never stop writing. Maybe this WIP is sucking your joy, but realize that it is n’t you, and it isn’t your writingit’s the project.Try swapping to something a little easier, like a short story or a poem, but set a time to return to your book. Don’t let so much time slip away that you get too far away to return. Remind yourself of the reason to write a book in the first place.Ask yourself these questions if youre feeling writer burnout:Where does your inspiration come from?Who are you writing for?Why is it important to you?Write down your motivation and hang it somewhere you can see itDon’t let yourself get burned out before you can finish your project. Take a breather, but make a promise to yourself that you’ll get back to work and set a specific time to do so.Moral of the story: plan ahead and DON’T STOP UNTIL YOU’RE FINISHED!Are you ready to start- and finally finish- your book? Turn in to our free training to help you go from blank page to published author in as little as 90 days.Yes, how long it takes to write a book can be as little as three months with our methods!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

MARTIN LUTHER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MARTIN LUTHER - Essay Example After being excommunicated from the Catholic Church, he stated the protestant movement which led to protestant churches throughout the globe. This paper attempts to describe Martin Luther and his contribution to reforms that led to protestant churches. Prior to his engagement in reforms Luther served as a philosophy student at University of Erfurt and became a professor in 1508 after having been ordained as a priest in 1507. He further engaged in higher studies of theology and in 1517 he opposed what he discovered as hypocrisy of priests in the Catholic Church (Somervill 27).Through expanded study and research of theology and understanding of the bible, Luther came to realize that Christians should not be deceived by church leaders that they can buy salvation or forgiveness of sins. His idea of justification of faith came from the bible and knowledge based on his theological study and he justified the fact that salvation was given by God through His grace that led to faith in Jesus Christ (Hendrix 56). His original idea on Christianity was not compatible with the church theology because the church theology involved deceptive gospel. He was opposed to such issues like teaching people that their deeds could earn them eternal life. The church theology was also based on the authority of the pope and he challenged this authority by claiming that the only divine source of knowledge was the Bible and was given by God (Bainton 47). Martin Luther started the protestant reformation after being irritated by the sale of indulgences within the Catholic Church and confronted Johann Tetzel who was a salesman with ninety five theses. He posted the theses at the main door of Castle Church based in Wittenburg and theses contained such issues like the hypocrisy of church leaders especially concerning the sale of indulgences to the masses. He was later asked to retract his writings by the Pope and Holy Roman Empire where he refused and was excommunicated from the