Monday, January 27, 2020

Problems Faced by Saudi Arabia

Problems Faced by Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Arabian Peninsula. It has an appraise population of 27.5 million. Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia. The official language in is Arabic and the Saudi legal system is based on the Islamic constitution. It is the homeland of the Islam, where the two major holy mosques are found. They discovered oil in 1936 which made the country wealthier. Oil accounts for more than 90 percent of exports and nearly 75 percent of government revenues. It provides the government with money to provide health care and education. There are no taxes taken by the government from the residents. Saudi Arabia faces many serious problems which need attention like any other country. According to the researches, Women in Saudi are not allowed to vote only men were admit to vote in the 2005 elections of 179 municipal councils of the country. Also in recent article of al-shaq al-awsat newspaper announced that Saudi Arabia has got the lowest percentage of the world with wo men constitute 5% of workforce. And can u imagine that one person dies each hour in a car accidents because of the high speed? how terrifying is this? what is more, in a report of several studies and smoking prevalence 20% to 40% of the population smoke. This essay will discuss three major issues women rights, car accidents and smoking in Saudi Arabia and the possible solutions for each problem. One of the main major problems that are considered in the Saudi society is women rights. The men and the religious police in Saudi claim that in Islam womens place is at home taking care of their husbands and families, which is not true it is just intellectual invasion. Women suffer from discrimination in the labor market therefore they could not work in the same place with men; their job, according to the men in Saudi, is to stay at home to take responsibility of the house and manipulate with their freedom. For instant, women have no right choosing their husbands, it is usually arranged by their family or the man chooses her and driving is forbidden for them, by law. Besides, women have no right to vote and not allowed to be a part of the weekly council which is where Saudi citizens complaint to a certain member of the royal family who controls the country. Moreover, women are not able to study, travel or work unless they get the permission from their parents. Although they are allo wed to travel they still have to get permission every-time they go to the airport. In addition, all schools and some malls are sex-segregated. As a result of this, men began using that as an advantage by pursuing violence and abusing them in any way possible. However, women try to tackle this problem. For example, a few years ago a group of women from different parts of the country requested a petition, written in it â€Å"recognize woman as eligible, without the need to have the escort of the legal supervisor -such as a father, husband or brother- to be present in case a trade registration record is needed for a woman to start business† and â€Å"the woman is in need to get her own legitimate and civil right, starting from her right to learn, work and health care but not to be conditioned on the permission of the legal supervisor to her rights to transfer her property after her death to her inheritors under the rule of civil service on equal footing with man†. The gov ernment is trying their best to tackle this and they started by announcing to give women identification cards when they register on their custodians identification cards in previous whereas the key reason of treating women in the wrong way refers to gender apartheid so it needs time to get over this ineffectual idea. Secondly, driving cars in a high speed causes many accidents in Saudi Arabia. It costs the government a lot of money yearly which cause decrease in the economy of the country. what is more, the lost of human which costs lives and cost their families tears and long nights without sleeping worrying about what is coming next. Is it death or disability for the rest of their lives? People are dying daily even if they escape the death there is a high possibility to get paralyzed or disable. In a report said that â€Å"the average age of death causalities that result from car accident is 34 years, which means that 26 working years were lost for each person. The economic input of each 26 years is calculated in the annual economic losses of Saudi†. The report found that â€Å" 65% of people with minor causalities need up to 20 days in hospitalized treatment and up to 70 days for rehabilitation. On the other hand, 33% of the minor causalities need up to a full year in treatment and reh abilitation, which results in complete loss of full year economic input for each person. The remaining 2% end up in permanently handicapped that may require up to 15 years of treatment and rehabilitation†. According to the traffic department on the numeration for the last five years approximately more than 1.36 million accident cause death for 21,900 people and about 122,600 coming with injuries. Therefor some possible solution could be follows to help solving this dilemma. For instance, make the driving license test much difficult than it is now with requirement to illustrate driving ability in the Saudis roads and give condensed driving lessons before people start using car. besides, that the government should either charge or punish for speeding. Also should send campaign which focus in damage which causes from the high speed that all could push the people not to drive with high speed in order to help with this problem. finally, last but not least this phenomenon that spread in the saudi society like the cancer when it spreads in the body smoking. people who always smoke are more likely to expose heath problems; lung cancer and heart disease. Smoking in Saudi is becoming like hobby for people. What is really horrifying that the people start smoking in the teenage for the wrong reasons like to make them feel better about themselves and more confident to face the worlds. What is more, the number of smokers in Saudi is increasing which put extra pressure on the heath system. The essential problem which made them go toward smoking that the price of the pack of cigarettes in Saudi is the cheapest in the world what is worse that there is not any law obstruct young people from buying cigarette. however, the people not only smoke cigarette but also shisha (hubby-bubbly) specially women thinking that it is not as harm as cigarette whereas it equals 15 cigarettes. According to one anti-smoking organization sa id â€Å" Saudi Arabia has fourth highest number of smokers per capita in the world. There are 6 million smokers and a growing number of women lighting up†. Also 27% of students in intermediate level smoke, up to 51% of the of the female teachers and educators smoke and 5% of the people in Saudi have lung cancer. The director of the ministry of health ‘s anti-smoking program contended that â€Å"Saudi Arabia loses SR8 billion because of tobacco and spends SR3.5 billion treating smokers every year†. which is affect the economy of the country. So government should focus more in the public problem that faces Saudi Arabia providing awareness campaigns which show the dangerous of smoking and the damage that it causes plus of banning smoking in public and close places. besides rising the price of the pack of cigarettes that is some of the credible solutions which can assist in solving this major problem. To sum up, we discussed the three major problem that faces Saudi Arabia. We suggest some of the possible solutions that government can follow. However, government is trying the best to help in solve this problems which is considered as society issues and this type of problem need more time to be solve because it needs the government concentrates and the society effort at the same time which make it harder to tackle although Saudi Arabia it is not the only country that faces problem each country has it own problem and I think that each country should focus in their problems. above all, lately in the last 2 years government is putting an extra effort in this with is perceptible from the whole Saudis citizens and shocking i the same time because no one expect that enormous change in that short time. Bibliography: 1)Rita Henley Jensen (March 7, 2005). Taking the Gender Apartheid Tour in Saudi Arabia. Womens e-news. Retrieved on 2007-08-21. 2)Handrahan, L. M. (2001), Human Rights tribune 8(1). Retrieved on 2007-08-21, from 3)Andrea Dworkin (1978). A Feminist Looks at Saudi Arabia. Andrea Dworkin. Retrieved on 2007-08-21,from 4)Al-Watan (Saudi Arabia), May 18, 2006 translated at Public Debate in Saudi Arabia on Employment Opportunities for Women 5)Al-Watan (Saudi Arabia), June 26, 2006 translated at Public Debate in Saudi Arabia on Employment Opportunities for Women 6) Saudi Arabian Government and Law (2007). Retrieved on 2007-09-20. 7)Islam, women, and Saudi Arabian society (2002). Retrieved on 2007-09-20. 8)human rights from 9)women rights in arab worlds (10th dec. 1999) ,from 10)Saudi Arabian womens rights (2007), from 11)Muhammad Diyab,Horrible accidents on our roads (2007), from 12)Molouk Y. , Mothers terrorized by killer road fear (2007), from 13)Al-Jaser Badr, Al-Kuwari Mohamed and Al-Thani Mohamed ,prevalence of smoking among governmental mental heath workers in jeddah (2003) from

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Music for survival or a luxury

Is music a luxury, or a necessity for humans? Even though we can live with out it, unlike food and water, I do believe music is a necessity. Even in countries where food and water are scarce, they will still find a way to make music. Some luxuries are necessary to live a peaceful life, music being one of them. So, with that being said, music not only helps us through the tough times, but also keeps us alive. Music Is like glue. It lets us keep our sanity. Music relates to us, thus letting us know, â€Å"Hey, you're not the only one going through this. Also, I'll bet my life that each and every one of o listens to music at least once a day. Weather It's on TV, or on the radio when you go to work, or even if you heat a street performer In a park, you've all heard music. If you haven't, then probably deaf. Music surrounds us, no matter what. Plus, music Is not only good for your health, It's good for your soul. For some people, music Is a distraction, but others, It helps them work, ex ercise, and even helps then remember easier. I know It dose for me. So many people suffer from depression across America, and across the world.An estimated 9. 2 million people suffer from depression. But, most of them seek out music that relates to them, makes them feel loved, or even just music in general. Music is their life, they live for music. And in some cases, music keeps them living. With out music, where would they be? But, this doesn't mean, â€Å"Unless your depressed, then you don't need music. † We all need music sometimes. Weather you're sad that your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with you, or you got in a fight with your best friend, or you could Just be having a bad day.Music will always be there, waiting for you. Who doesn't Just want to curl up with a blanket and listen too loyalist of music you made when you're sad, maybe even bring your favorite book with you. Or, you're Just so happy, and you Just want to dance, you're most likely to put on a really good song, a Just dance till you can't. â€Å"Music expresses that witch cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent† – Victor Hugo Music is everywhere. It's on the TV we watch, on the streets we walk on, in the cars we drive, one could even say it's practically in the air we breath.No matter where you go, there's bound to be music. You might not be able to understand it, but it's still there. It's always has been, and always will be. In my life, personally, I listen to music for a good six hours per day. From the time my alarm goes off, to when my mom makes my take out my eat buds to go to bed. With out It, I don't know where I'd be. Music also brings people together. Whether It's at a concert, or someone Likes the same band as you. Music brings us closer then anything else on earth, expect love.I'd would have missed out on so many opportunities If It wasn't for music. To be honest, I met most of my friends thanks to music. Music brings us together, It's a fa ct. Some people consider music as a luxury though. Usually a luxury Is something that Is afforded my one group or person, but not by another, poorer group or person. But, that doesn't apply to music, as it is enjoyed across the entire planter, regardless of would want to? There is something special about music. It Just makes everything better. Music, at it's best moments, is a most miraculous expression of humanity.That's why I love it. For most people, music is a distraction. But for others, like myself, it actually helps them work. Music stimulates certain parts of the brain. When you're writhing an easy about, let's say, world hunger, you might want to listen to some music that you consider â€Å"emotional† while you write. By doing this, you could be more likely to be able to put more feeling into your easy. Also, collage students often listen to music while they study. That way, when you take the test, and the song pops up in your head, you'll remember what you learned.I f you listen to up-beat music while you exercise, it raises your heart beat, and making you work header. Up-beat music will also help you not fall asleep. Another good use for music is, when you hear a certain song, it might remind you of something. Like, the song that was playing when you had your first kiss. Or maybe you hear a song that was popular back when you were in gig school. Music works in strange ways. Music has the ability to make a person feel emotions, of course, we already knew that.The thing is though, one song could make a person feel so happy, and the person next to them could be in tears because of that song. It's weird how music has such an impact on our lives, and we hardly notice it. The same song you think sucks so much, could be the one thing that is keeping a person alive. Or maybe, that person could be you, who knows. But what we do know is this. The first written form of music can be traced all the way back to 600 AD, and can still be found and heard today all cross the world.If we didn't need music to survive, then why has it been around so long? Think about it. When the first song was sung, and the first instruments were played, who was there? Our ancestors were there, and I bet they were cheering on, and dancing, having a good old time. Enjoying life as if it would never end. Those first people past on their experiences on from generation to generation, and pretty soon, every one loved music. They couldn't get enough of it. It would be crime to take that away form us. Music is our history, music is our life. With out it, what are we?

Friday, January 10, 2020

Mexican American Journal Entry Essay

It has been 11 years since we have arrived to Los Angeles, California. I can still remember the feeling of when my father had said to us that he we would be moving to a far place to try to find better jobs for my mother and him because with the two jobs my father had and the washing and ironing of other peoples clothes my mom did was not bringing enough money to support my sisters and me and did they wanted to provide a better life for my sisters and me. Mexico was such a poor country that my parents could not see themselves make enough money to support my sisters and me, let alone see us get a better education. So my parents decide to migrate to the United States with one of my mother’s brother. We arrived in Los Angeles, California on July 16, 1931, with my Aunt Julia and Uncle Fernando. My family and I were so happy to finally arrive to the U. S. to live the â€Å"American Dream. † Soon we would find out that our dreams would come crushing down fast. After settling down, my mother decided it was time to enroll my sisters and me into school. My mother asked my Aunt Julia and Uncle Fernando what my sisters and I need to enroll into school but since my aunt and uncle did not have any children, they were unable to tell my parents the information we would need. As my mother, my sisters and I walked into the school we could notice all the â€Å"gringos† looking at us in a weird way (looking at us like we did not belong there). My mother can right away tell that there was something wrong that we would not be accepted into that school. My mom was correct, as we entered the office the school secretary told my mother that we were not welcomed there and that if she wanted to enroll us into school it needed to be in a segregated Mexican school. Walking out of the school with confusion on her face, my mother saw an elderly Mexican American woman who spoke Spanish and asked her if she knew the reason we were not accepted into the school. The woman proceeded to explain to my mother that in the past few years many Mexicans were migrating to the U. S forced by the economic and political disorder produced by the Mexican Revolution and were tempted by jobs in U. S. agribusiness and industry that many Americans feared losing their jobs to underpaid illegal immigrants. Americans could not deal with losing the jobs they had especially during this time of the Great Depression. The elderly woman proceeded to explain to my mother that Mexicans were not welcomed to California or other parts of the country, that Mexicans were discriminated against and that we only had to go to schools that were for Mexicans only, that the only language we could speak in the schools regardless if they were for Mexicans only was English. She read my mother some signs that said, â€Å"NO MEXICANS ALLOWED. † She continued to tell my mother which neighborhoods we could not enter and which we could. If we saw signs like the ones she read for us, then we should be aware that we were not wanted there. After finding an all Mexican school for my sisters and me, my parents thought the hard part was over. I would here them talking in their bed room that as long as they did not bother the â€Å"gringos† or got in there way we would not have anything to worry about but they were wrong. Shortly after being able to find jobs for themselves, I began to see my parents worried and listening to their radios all the time. They had just found out that Mexicans were being deported back to Mexico regardless of their legal status. The news stated that tens of thousands of Mexican families were arrested and sent to jail for 10 days before they were sent to Mexico by train, because of an anti-immigrant campaign that the Americans had done. Those families were not given a chance to proof if any family members were U. S citizens. Families were not given the chance to take anything with them. The news also began announcing free trains rides back to Mexico for Mexican American and Mexicans who wished to voluntarily be taken back to Mexico. I can remember seeing my mother cry because she said she did not want to return to Mexico and live in the horrible conditions we were living in before. She begged my father to do something so we did not have to return to Mexico. One day my father came home telling my mother that he had heard of migrant work camps established by the U. S. Farm Security Administration, or FSA and that they had a possibility of getting jobs there to stay in the U. S. The camps provided housing, food, and medicine for immigrant families as well as safety from any criminal elements that can take advantage of defenseless immigrants. We had the possibility of staying we were extremely happy!! Little by little more Mexicans have extended their stay as well as the places were we live at. The most popular places where Mexicans live at now are Chicago, California, and New York. We stayed in the U. S. , my sisters and I are receiving a great education and compared to Mexico, I think we are now living the American Dream!!!! Reference: Depression and the Struggle for Survival. (2005, April 20). Immigration. Retrieved August 10, 2008, from The Library of Congress. Koch, W. (2006, April 4). 1930s Deportees Await Apology. USA TODAY. Retrieved from http:www. usatoday. com.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Decolonization An Evolution in Imperialist Relationships

Decolonization is a process where in the ideal understanding of the term would be ending the exploitive relationship between the colonized and the colonizers with the intention of being s self-sufficient of the newly independent state. The romanticizing that the process of decolonization can be looked at as a significant accomplishment for the colonized is misleading, or at least it is heavily contested by scholars like Fanon who argues that the process of decolonization is one that is an inherently violent one. This Violence may be long or short term, and my manifest itself in the social, economic, ideological and political development of the state- or rather its underdevelopment, violence that Fanon offers up a solution to. Although Fanon argues for the understanding of the irrational, rational response to decolonization that is inherently violent, this essay will also look at the works of other scholars and authors like Thiong’o and Conrad in addition to other critical an alysis of their work and the process of decolonization which would be essential to understanding the complex meaning of the concept of violence as it is used by Fanon. This essay will also present arguments supporting the validity of Fanon’s argument that decolonization is a violent process, and that the process of decolonization is a process that allows for the transitioning from colonialism to neo-colonialism where the colonialist become imperialist and retain their position of strength politically,Show MoreRelatedThe Postcolonial Of Amitav Ghosh s Novels Let Us Begin3362 Words   |  14 Pagespostcolonial literature seeks to undermine the European discursive tradition that has promoted the entire process of imperialization. The postcolonial theory challenges system of conceptualizations and representation that justify and help maintain imperialist power during and after the age of colonization. As a means to achieve this end, the postcolonial theory seeks to establish a d ifferential identity in an impulse to decolonize the mind. It challenges and resists the Western cultural hegemony. OverRead More Outside the Teaching Machine by Gayatri Spivak2753 Words   |  11 Pagesinferior East† by underscoring how the authorizing/ authoritative â€Å"Occident† continues to produce an objectified and negatively stereotyped â€Å"Orient;† Drawing on Foucault’s concept of â€Å"discourse† and Gramsci’s notion of â€Å"hegemony,† Said traces the evolution of European power/ knowledge paradigms and their Western epistemologies—which he collectively calls â€Å"Orientalism.† (cite) Postcolonial Studies draws its strength from questioning the discourse of hegemonic representation very much what Said demonstratedRead MoreMarxism and Structuralism1876 Words   |  8 PagesCentre-Periphery/Core-Periphery analysis: ïÆ'   World Systems analysis and Sometimes referred to as ïÆ'   Scientific Marxism, Struct ural Marxism, neo-Marxism. All share notion that the North and South are in a Structural Relationship with one another ie both areas are part of a structure that determines the pattern of relationships that emerges. Structuralism is a general theory of IR but also a Southern theory in two senses: (a) it actually originated in the South, and (b) its subject area is explicitly geared towards theRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesThe New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A Political Autobiography Allida M. Black, ed., Modern American Queer History Eric Sandweiss, St. Louis: The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape Sam Wineburg, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past Sharon Hartman Strom, Political Woman: Florence Luscomb and the Legacy of Radical Reform Michael Adas, ed., AgriculturalRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words   |  319 Pagesbecause of their perceived threat to Jamaican society, have gained a place at the table of acceptability; and how, starting out as denigrated outcasts, they have over the last forty years of the twentieth century become the dominant force in the evolution of popular culture in Jamaica. In this book, I will analyze the factors responsible for the entrenchment of Rastafari in Jamaican society. My use of entrenchment3 is synonymous with routinization,4 a term used by Max Weber to signify the process